9 Reasons Why You Should Have a Pregnancy Photo Shoot

For some, pregnancy is a very special time full of breath-taking moments and excitement. For others pregnancy can be hard, full of worry and anxiety.

 ‘Should I have a pregnancy photo shoot?’…The thought is intriguing but you might feel embarrassed? Maybe you’re too busy preparing? You don’t feel the glow others are feeling?

 I’ve come up with a list of 9 reasons (read all the way to the bottom) why I think you should have a photo shoot during your pregnancy especially in the later stages of pregnancy when your bump is more prominent. You might not relate to all of them but hopefully you’ll take something away from this which will help you make your decision.

 1.     Pregnancy is beautiful!

Yes, I know, you probably don’t feel beautiful and towards the end of pregnancy you most likely feeling huge, you’re probably swollen in places you didn’t know could swell and extremely tired…but guess what, every pregnant woman is beautiful.  They really are.  You are carrying your baby, so how can you not be?  No, really, you are. Seriously!

I know that some ladies I have spoken to have been nervous about how they look before their maternity photo shoot. No photographer is ever going to give you images knowing that you’ll hate them! As a maternity photographer I ask my clients if they have any hang ups about themselves and pose them in a way which eliminates these insecurities. With a bit of clever positioning, good lighting and some post production techniques I can help you see the true beauty in yourself. Every single mummy has gone on to love their images and how they look in them.  


2.     It’s an excuse to get yourself dressed up and feel good about yourself.

If you are feeling a little awkward whilst pregnant, having a photo shoot, pampering yourself before, and seeing gorgeous images afterwards, can even make you feel all that more wonderful about yourself. On the day of your shoot I encourage you to take extra care when doing your makeup, style your hair in a way that makes you feel good about yourself and wear something you feel pretty in. Lets face it - if you’re anything like I was during both my pregnancies, by the time you are in the 3rd trimester you live in loungewear and rarely feel sexy. Having a photoshoot will motivate you to get dressed up and looking back on the photos all those years later you’ll realise how good you actually looked. All those mirror selfies in your pyjamas will be a distant memory! 

3.     A chance to celebrate your bump and give you the opportunity to look back on your pregnancy fondly.

I believe it is such a precious gift to be carrying a baby. Dare I say a miracle! All babies are miracles! You’ve carried this little human being (or beings) for nearly 9 months. They’re your little sidekick (literally). You don’t know who they are yet or what they will be. There’s still wonder! All of the maternity photo shoots I have had the ladies, and their families, are full of happiness, bursting with excitement, anticipation and love.  You have made a new life, and are keeping your baby safe until they are ready to be born and meet you.  Seriously, that’s quite an achievement! 

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4.     Memories of the day

When you come to me for your pregnancy photo shoot you can guarantee a warm welcome, a hot cup of decaf tea (and some biscuits) and a relaxing atmosphere with music and cosiness and an all round good vibe! This day will not be like any other day in your pregnancy, this is your day – one you will look back on in many years to come and feel nostalgic about. Not only will you remember the day you had your bump shoot, hopefully you will have some photos up on your wall or in an album to look back at too. I want you to look back at those photos and think, ‘Wow what a great experience I’m so glad I did that!’ and ‘Wow – look how happy I looked!’. The photo shoot can take place anywhere – in my cosy studio, in your home, even outside!...Anywhere you feel comfortable, somewhere that is special to you.

5.     It doesn’t all have to be about bump 

I know that it can be a little hectic at the end of pregnancy, you are working towards getting everything ‘ready’ for baby, nesting has set in, and you may find it hard to rest…so a photo shoot can be a perfect opportunity to have some quality family time. Other children can be involved in the shoot as well as daddy. Older siblings may have a range of feelings about getting a new baby sister or brother, and depending on their age, it may be tricky for them to understand.  Having a maternity photo shoot including them, in which they are the ‘‘star of the show’’ can be lots of fun.  It can also be one of the ways to show them how precious they are, and also something you can use to talk about the pregnancy and baby coming to meet them soon.


6.    To show your children when they are older

How wonderful would it be to show your maternity photographs to your children, have them point to your tummy and know that it was them growing inside of you. Imagine the conversations! Wow!  

7.     Before you know it the moment has gone!

Pregnancy is full of ups and downs for most women, I know both my pregnancies were.  At times you may feel worn out, achy and fed up, and at others gorgeous, excited, and on top of the world. Although it may feel a long time while your baby is growing inside you, it is actually such a short and precious time, and that in itself is a reason to have some photos taken - to freeze that moment in time! Before you know it, your baby will be here, and that unique, magical ‘just mummy and baby’ time will be gone. Having some beautiful images to look back on when baby is here will help to rekindle all those feelings.


8.    No regrets

Once your baby is here, and your hold them in your arms and they look into your eyes for the first time, with that tiny, perfect, squishy newborn face, everything changes, forever. Some new mums may even find they miss being pregnant and as time passes they find it hard to remember what pregnancy was like. I know that I am still incredibly nostalgic about both of my pregnancies and I would love to do it all over again, even though at the time I didn’t think I would. I myself am guilty that I didn’t have any professional images taken of myself during either of my pregnancies. I am so sad about that.

Keep reading…

So…what do you think? Have I changed your mind? Convinved you? Maybe? Here’s one last comment….Reason number 9 and perhaps the most important. If you’re anything like me, and all my mummy friends, from now on your will be ‘chief photo taker’, you’ll be the one behind the camera taking photos of your newborn baby in every position possible – feeling so proud of them and wanting to show them off constantly. As a result you’ll find that you aren’t in many photos yourself, maybe the occasional selfie. We need to try and stop that trend now!.......……… Ladies get in front of the camera, celebrate who you are and all that you have become! Be proud, stand tall and strike a pose!!

Let me know in the comments below if you agree? Let me know about your experience at a maternity photo shoot? Have I convinced you? If so get in touch with me, I’d love to get you booked in! For more information on my Maternity photo shoots get in touch here. You can also look at examples of my photography in my portfolio.

Thanks for reading. 


Rebecca Waterfield is a professional Maternity, Newborn and Family photographer based in Nottinghamshire, UK.

Follow her on instagram @rebeccawaterfield.photography and facebook @rebeccawaterfield.photography

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